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european nature gallery


Sunday, 28 July 2019

The sloe bug

Dolycoris baccarum, the sloe bug, is a species of shield bug in the family Pentatomidae.This species is widespread in most of Europe and Central Asia. These shield bugs mainly inhabit hedgerows and woodland edges, fields, forests, parks and gardens. Dolycoris baccarum can reach a length of about 10–12.5 millimetres (0.39–0.49 in).The basic color of pronotum and elytra is quite variable, but usually it is reddish purple, while scutellum is ocher. During the winter the basic color is dull brown. The whole body is quite hairy. The antennae are made by 4-5 black and white sections and the margins of the abdomen (connexivum) are alternately mottled with whitish and black. The male and female are very similar. A related species encountered in Europe is Dolycoris numidicus. It is univoltine in the northern part of the range and bivoltine in the warmer southern areas. Adults of these shield bugs can be found all year around, as they overwinter. They emerge in the following spring, when they mate and females lay eggs. By the end of summer the new generation of adults appear. Larvae feed on many plants, especially Rosaceae and Asteraceae species, Linaria vulgaris and Lamium album. Adults can be found frequently on shrubs feeding on berries, especially Honeysuckle and Raspberries.Despite the common name sloe bug, neither the larvae nor the adults feed on Sloe (Prunus spinosa). 


(latin: Dolycoris baccarum)

Sunday, 28 July 2019
created by: Marek Sarvas - výroba stránok